First of all, to summarize our all services we can provide Turkish and European Citizenship and Resident/Work permit. We can provide mainly three services:

1- Turkish Citizenship Without Investment : Applying for, following and concluding procedures for citizenship for foreigners who wish to acquire Turkish citizenship. This services can be provided just from our company and this is the most popular services which is we provide
Duration : 30-45 Days.
Cost : Please contact our lawyer.

2- German(Europe) Resident/Work Permit : Applying for, following and concluding procedures for permit for foreigners in Germany.
Duration : 1-2 Days.
Cost : Please contact our lawyer.

3- Turkish Citizenship With Investment : Applying for, following and concluding procedures for citizenship for foreigners who wish to acquire Turkish citizenship under Law no. 5901 on Turkish Citizenship.
Duraion : 30-45 Days.
Cost : Please contact our lawyer.

Europe and Turkey, a country in the center of the global change in the macro dynamics of international economic migration, has gone from being an emigrant geography to an immigrant one within the past quarter-century. Operating in such a country, Aksan actively provides legal consultancy services in a wide range of legal issues in the field of Foreigners and Citizenship Law. Our team of qualified lawyers and foreign consultants has the required skills to deal with problems that have an element of foreignness.

Our department provides full legal consultancy services in areas such as obtaining work permits for foreign citizens, following procedures for their residence permits, as well as applying for and following procedures for acquisition of Turkish and Europe(German) citizenship :

  • Applying for, following and concluding procedures for obtaining residence permits and extending residence permit durations and citizenship for foreigners who wish to live in German
  • Applying for, following and concluding procedures for obtaining residence permits and extending residence permit durations for foreigners who wish to live in Turkey
  • Applying for, following and concluding procedures for obtaining work permits and extending work permit durations for foreigners who plan to be employed in Turkey, including but not limited to foreigners to be employed at legal entities subject to the Law on Foreign Direct Investments
  • Applying for, following and concluding procedures for citizenship for foreigners who wish to acquire Turkish citizenship under Law no. 5901 on Turkish Citizenship
  • Applying for, following and concluding procedures for individuals who wish to renounce their Turkish citizenship by a competent authority decision under Law no. 5901 on Turkish Citizenship
  • Rendering consultancy services with regard to Real Estate Law, especially on acquisition of real estate by foreigners in Turkey, and providing consultancy services with regard to Inheritance Law
  • Providing legal consultancy services with regard to refuge, temporary protection, secondary protection, and statuses of refugees and conditional refugees in Turkey. (There is no one-way implementation concerning refuge in our country, which agrees with the Geneva Convention of 1951 relating to the legal status of refugees, subject to geographical restriction. According to this restriction, Turkey only accepts requests for refuge made from the member countries of the European Council. With respect to requests for refuge made from countries other than the European Council, it will grant a temporary residence permit to such people until they settle in the country that they will accept through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR))
  • Recognition and enforcement.

Free Lıve For Women In Turkey

Compared to Saudi Arabia and Turkey on Turkey’s women’s rights, it is clear that much more modern and forward-thinking. This is why Turkish citizenship is frequently preferred by Saudi women. With the reform in Saudi Arabia, Saudi women were given the right to travel without their husband’s permission. However, many Saudi women who want to live free communication history with our company, has started to process their citizenship and the effect of any man in Turkey and began to live freely without being obeyed. This creates an irresistible opportunity for women living in Saudi Arabia. The travel authorization previously granted in Iran, so many Iranian women in Sweden, Norway, Turkey and settled in countries such as England and began to live comfortably.

The security of these women, whose citizenship procedures are carried out by us, is kept and protected. For women who want to get citizenship in our company, their homes, cars, jobs and protection are arranged before they arrive. With the purchase of real estate, citizenship procedures are started and citizenship is obtained even within a month. A lawsuit is also filed for our clients who wish to change their personal information. In this way, people who they do not want in any way cannot reach. Unconditional support is provided to our Saudi female clients who demand that the company is the owner and representative of the woman.

You can reach more information our lawyer and websites :


عندمقارنةالمملكةالعربيةالسعوديةوتركيافيمجالحقوقالمرأة فيتركيا



الانالمملكةالعربيةالسعودية منحتالمرأةالسعوديةالحقفيالسفردونأذنازواجهن

ومعذلك، هناكالعديدمنالنساءالسعوديات اللواتييريدونالعيشبحريةعلىتواصلمعشركتنا،

وبدئن فيعمليةالجنسيةالتركيادونضغطوتأثيرأيرجلعليهافيتركياوبدئنالعيشبحرية.

وهذهفرصةلاتقاومللمرأةالتيتعيشفيالمملكة العربية السعودية.


فيتركياوالسويدوالنروجوانكلتراالاناستقرواوبدأويعيشونحياةمريحة .


بالنسبةللنساءاللواتييريدون الحصولعلى الجنسية التركياقبلمجيئهميمكنناتأمينمطالبهممثل

ممنزل _سيارة _ عمل _ وحمايتهممعشراءالممتلكاتعيرالمنقولةحتىتبدأ عمليةالتجنيسوتؤخذ


يمكننارفعدعوةقضائية لعملائتاالذينيريدون تغييرمعلوماتهمالشخصية بهذهالطريقةلايمكنلأيشخص


نظرالأن صاحبوممثلشركتناهوإمرأة فأننانقدمالدعمغيرالمشروطلعملائناالسعودياتاللواتييطلبنذلك.

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